Minecraft Servers

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Arkacia Survival
Arkacia Survival

Welcome to Arkacia Survival, the ultimate Vanilla+ SMP experience! We are dedicated to providing you with an exciting and up-to-date Minecraft adventure on the latest stable versions of the game. Our server combines the best of vanilla gameplay with a range of carefully selected plugins to enhance your gameplay and keep things fresh.

Here at Arkacia Survival, we believe in offering a host of new features to make your Minecraft experience more enjoyable and engaging. Some of the highlights of our server include:

  • Exclusive Custom Enchants: Experience a unique enchanting system with custom enchantments designed specifically for our server. Discover powerful abilities and customize your gear like never before.

  • Claim System with Flags: Protect your land and create your own thriving community with our claim system. Utilize flags to customize the permissions and interactions within your claims, ensuring a safe and secure environment for your creations.

  • New Mobs with Custom Models: Encounter a variety of custom mobs with unique models that will add excitement and challenge to your survival journey. Prepare yourself for thrilling encounters and explore a world teeming with life.

  • Unique Job System: Engage in a rewarding job system that offers various professions and opportunities for progression. Earn rewards as you level up your chosen job and unlock new abilities and perks.

  • In-Game Rankup System: Progress through ranks based on your playtime and in-game currency, unlocking additional commands and perks along the way. Gain access to useful commands like /nick, /enderchest, /treefeller, /nophantoms, as well as the ability to have multiple homes and a convenient backpack to expand your inventory.

  • Player-Driven Economy: Engage in a thriving player-run economy, where you can trade items and services with other players. Set up your own market shops using a chest shop plugin or participate in auctions through our intuitive auction house GUI.

  • Seasonal Crates and Events: Participate in exciting seasonal events and earn keys to unlock special crates filled with valuable rewards. Immerse yourself in themed celebrations and embrace the spirit of the season.

  • Staff-Run Events: Our dedicated staff team regularly organizes events based on community suggestions. Expect thrilling challenges, competitions, and opportunities to connect with fellow players.

Join us on Arkacia Survival and embark on a journey like no other. Experience the perfect balance of vanilla gameplay and exciting new features that will keep you engaged and entertained for hours on end.

Discover the wonders of Arkacia Survival and forge your path in a thriving and friendly community. The adventure awaits!

Arkacia Survival Statistics

Where can I find the IP address for the Arkacia Survival Minecraft server?

To locate the IP address for the Arkacia Survival server, navigate to the server info section (usually located in the top left corner). There, you will find the server address that you can copy. Additionally, you may find additional details such as the Discord server, website, and more.

How do I join and play on the Arkacia Survival Minecraft server?

To join the Arkacia Survival server, begin by launching your Minecraft Launcher. Click the "Play" button to access the main menu, then select the "Multiplayer" option.

Next, click on the "Add Server" button. Paste the server address (play.arkaciasurvival.net) into the "Server Address" input field and click "Done" to save the settings.

Once the server connection indicator turns green, indicating a successful connection, click "Join Server" to enter and start playing on the Arkacia Survival server.

Which Minecraft version is supported on the Arkacia Survival server?

The Arkacia Survival server supports Minecraft version 1.18.1. While it is possible to attempt joining with a different version, it is recommended to use the 1.18.1 Minecraft client version for optimal compatibility and gameplay experience.