Minecraft Servers

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Checked51 minutes ago
CountryUnited States

Welcome to IcarusMC, the ultimate Minecraft server where towny, economy, and thrilling PvP gameplay converge!

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey filled with boundless opportunities for growth and excitement. Our server is meticulously designed to offer a unique blend of towny mechanics, immersive economy systems, and exhilarating player-versus-player encounters.

At IcarusMC, we take pride in our professional and dedicated staff team. Their passion for creating a dynamic and ever-evolving gameplay experience ensures that you'll never have a dull moment. With constant updates and a live economy, you'll always find something new to discover and engage with during your adventures.

Engage in the intricacies of towny gameplay, where you can form alliances, establish thriving communities, and compete for dominance. Cooperate with fellow players to build bustling cities, trade resources, and carve your path to success. The choice is yours as you navigate the complex dynamics of towny life.

Forge your own destiny in our carefully balanced economy system. Engage in trade, master the art of market manipulation, and accumulate wealth to become a true tycoon. Whether you're a shrewd entrepreneur or a skilled artisan, the economy is a vibrant and integral part of the IcarusMC experience.

Prepare for heart-pounding PvP encounters that will test your skills and strategy. Engage in epic battles, engage in tactical maneuvers, and prove your prowess on the battlefield. Whether you're defending your town or seeking glory in epic tournaments, our PvP system offers thrilling challenges for seasoned warriors and aspiring champions alike.

Join our vibrant and growing community of like-minded players who share your passion for immersive Minecraft gameplay. Together, we create a rich tapestry of interactions, collaborations, and friendly competition. Our server fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can find their place and thrive.

Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime. Join us on IcarusMC and experience the perfect blend of towny, economy, and PvP gameplay. Our server promises endless excitement, limitless possibilities, and a community that will make your Minecraft journey truly unforgettable. Get ready to spread your wings and soar to new heights on IcarusMC!

IcarusMC Statistics

Where can I find the IP address for the IcarusMC Minecraft server?

To locate the IP address for the IcarusMC server, navigate to the server info section (usually located in the top left corner). There, you will find the server address that you can copy. Additionally, you may find additional details such as the Discord server, website, and more.

How do I join and play on the IcarusMC Minecraft server?

To join the IcarusMC server, begin by launching your Minecraft Launcher. Click the "Play" button to access the main menu, then select the "Multiplayer" option.

Next, click on the "Add Server" button. Paste the server address ( into the "Server Address" input field and click "Done" to save the settings.

Once the server connection indicator turns green, indicating a successful connection, click "Join Server" to enter and start playing on the IcarusMC server.

Which Minecraft version is supported on the IcarusMC server?

The IcarusMC server supports Minecraft version 1.18.1. While it is possible to attempt joining with a different version, it is recommended to use the 1.18.1 Minecraft client version for optimal compatibility and gameplay experience.