Minecraft Servers

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Checked19 minutes ago
CountryUnited Kingdom

Welcome to Olympus, a remarkable Minecraft server that embraces maturity and respect while fostering a vibrant and inclusive community. Here, we believe in the power of balance, where mindful behavior coexists harmoniously with the pursuit of fun and adventure.

Our primary goal at Olympus is to cultivate a mature and respectful player base that values the enjoyment of others. We encourage players to engage in a courteous manner, ensuring a positive and welcoming atmosphere for everyone who joins our realm.

While Olympus maintains the essence of a survival server, we have carefully selected plugins that enhance the Minecraft experience without compromising its core gameplay. Whether you prefer collaborating with others or embarking on solo endeavors, you'll find an array of opportunities to flourish. Build sprawling farms, bustling towns, or bustling shops as you forge your path within our vast and ever-evolving world.

Worried about safeguarding your creations? Fear not, for we offer robust build protection mechanisms that allow you to secure your builds while still granting access to trusted individuals. Additionally, an economy plugin and shop signs enable you to engage in thriving economic transactions, buying and selling goods to fellow players.

Stay connected with your friends on Olympus through our dedicated Discord server, providing real-time chat functionality to foster communication and camaraderie among our community members.

To add an extra layer of excitement, we offer crates that provide coveted and hard-to-obtain items, ensuring a fair and balanced gameplay experience for all. However, we remain vigilant against griefers and those who aim to disrupt the enjoyment of others. Our community is built upon a staunch commitment to maintaining a sense of unity and solidarity, so rest assured that we swiftly address any attempts to tarnish the gameplay environment.

Join Olympus today and immerse yourself in a realm where maturity, respect, and a genuine sense of community reign supreme. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary adventure, where friendships are forged, accomplishments are celebrated, and the wonders of Minecraft await you at every turn. Welcome to Olympus, where your presence truly matters.

Olympus Statistics

Where can I find the IP address for the Olympus Minecraft server?

To locate the IP address for the Olympus server, navigate to the server info section (usually located in the top left corner). There, you will find the server address that you can copy. Additionally, you may find additional details such as the Discord server, website, and more.

How do I join and play on the Olympus Minecraft server?

To join the Olympus server, begin by launching your Minecraft Launcher. Click the "Play" button to access the main menu, then select the "Multiplayer" option.

Next, click on the "Add Server" button. Paste the server address (olympusmc.pro) into the "Server Address" input field and click "Done" to save the settings.

Once the server connection indicator turns green, indicating a successful connection, click "Join Server" to enter and start playing on the Olympus server.

Which Minecraft version is supported on the Olympus server?

The Olympus server supports Minecraft version 1.18.1. While it is possible to attempt joining with a different version, it is recommended to use the 1.18.1 Minecraft client version for optimal compatibility and gameplay experience.