Minecraft Servers

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Builders Forge
Builders Forge

Welcome to Builders Forge, the ultimate destination for Minecraft builders from around the world! Whether you're a novice or a seasoned veteran, our community is here to inspire, teach, and nurture your creative building skills.

At Builders Forge, we understand that Minecraft is not just a game—it's an art form. Our server is designed to be a sanctuary where builders of all levels can come together, find their zen, and unleash their imagination. We believe that building is a universal language that transcends borders, and we're thrilled to have players from all corners of the globe joining our community.

Join us on a journey of exploration and creativity as we share techniques, ideas, and inspiration. Our experienced and passionate builders are ready to guide you, providing tips and tricks that will help you elevate your building skills to new heights. Whether you're interested in realistic architectural designs, modern marvels, medieval fortresses, whimsical fantasy realms, or anything in between, Builders Forge is the perfect place to turn your visions into reality.

But Builders Forge is more than just a place to build. It's a vibrant community where friendships are forged, conversations flow freely, and collaboration thrives. Connect with fellow builders, exchange ideas, and embark on exciting joint projects. Our community is built on a foundation of respect, support, and camaraderie, creating an environment that fosters growth and creativity.

As we forge ahead, our team is constantly working to enhance your experience. We listen to our community's feedback, host events, and introduce new features that add depth and excitement to the world of building. Stay connected with us through our website and forums, where you'll find resources, tutorials, and a thriving community of like-minded builders.

Are you ready to unleash your building prowess and join a community of passionate creators? Step into Builders Forge and let your imagination soar. Together, we'll build a world that transcends boundaries and leaves a lasting impact.

See you soon at Builders Forge!

The Builders Forge Team

Builders Forge Statistics

Where can I find the IP address for the Builders Forge Minecraft server?

To locate the IP address for the Builders Forge server, navigate to the server info section (usually located in the top left corner). There, you will find the server address that you can copy. Additionally, you may find additional details such as the Discord server, website, and more.

How do I join and play on the Builders Forge Minecraft server?

To join the Builders Forge server, begin by launching your Minecraft Launcher. Click the "Play" button to access the main menu, then select the "Multiplayer" option.

Next, click on the "Add Server" button. Paste the server address (buildersforge.mcserver.us) into the "Server Address" input field and click "Done" to save the settings.

Once the server connection indicator turns green, indicating a successful connection, click "Join Server" to enter and start playing on the Builders Forge server.

Which Minecraft version is supported on the Builders Forge server?

The Builders Forge server supports Minecraft version 1.18.1. While it is possible to attempt joining with a different version, it is recommended to use the 1.18.1 Minecraft client version for optimal compatibility and gameplay experience.